Medill Student Conference Travel

Please complete this form to express interest in attending a 2024-2025 journalism conference. Medill BSJ, MSJ, and IMC students in good standing are eligible to apply for conference registration fee coverage (up to $250) and additional conference attendance funding from Medill for the following approved conferences:

  • AAJA – Asian American Journalists Association
  • AWSM – Association for Women in Sports Media
  • IJA – Indigenous Journalists Association
  • IRE – Investigative Reporters & Editors
  • NABJ – National Association of Black Journalists
  • NAHJ – National Association of Hispanic Journalists
  • NASW – National Association of Science Writers
  • NICAR – National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting (IRE’s annual data journalism conference)
  • NLGJA – The Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists
  • ONA – Online News Association
  • TechCrunch – An American global online newspaper focusing on high tech and startup companies
  • Third Coast – Third Coast International Audio Festival
  • SABEW – Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing
  • SPJ – Society of Professional Journalists
  • SRCCON Links to an external site. – A peer-led conference from OpenNews for journalists who want to transform their work, their organizations, and their communities

Should you want to attend a conference that is not on the pre-approved list, fill out the application a minimum of six weeks prior to the conference. After submitting, email Lucas Williams ( with information about how the experience relates to your degree and what funding you are seeking (ex: registration fee, accommodations, travel, etc.) and your application will be reviewed. Do not purchase conference registration until after your applications has been reviewed.

Students must submit this form two weeks before a conference’s early registration deadline to be considered for funding. Each Medill student can receive funding for one conference per academic year. Funding is not guaranteed, as each student request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

For questions or concerns, please contact:

Lucas Williams, Program Coordinator

Academic , Career
Supplemental Questions
  1. Name that appears on your government issue ID (any government):
  2. Date of Birth:
  3. United States Cell Phone Number:
  4. Permanent Mailing Address (United States):
    • 1. Address:
    • 2. City:
    • 3. State (full name):
    • Zip Code:
  5. Northwestern NetID (combination of numbers and letters):
  6. Are you an international student?
  7. Are you affiliated with an affinity group? If yes, share the name and your title, if applicable. Write "N/A" is you are not affliated with an affinity group.
  8. Undergraduate and graduate students in good standing are eligible for consideration of conference fee reimbursement up to $250 for approved conferences. What conference are you interested in attending?
  9. Have you received reimbursement from Northwestern for an expense this academic year?
  10. If you answer "Yes" to the question above, please list what you received reimbursement for. Please write "N/A" if you selected "No".
  11. What are the dates of the conference? (Please plan to complete this application one week prior to the early bird deadlines for each conference.)
  12. Would you also like to be considered for reimbursement for the cost of accommodations? If approved, Medill will either create a hotel reservation on your behalf or notify you that you can make your own arrangements.
  13. Students can also apply for consideration for reimbursement for some other conference-related costs. If interested in being considered, list how much additional assistance and for what expense(s). Otherwise, please write "N/A”.
  14. If you will miss class to attend this conference, do you have your professor's permission?
  15. Attendance Commitment: I understand that participation in the conference is a commitment.
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