Northwestern Career Advancement - Career Development Fund (CDF): Graduate/Professional School Test Prep and Application Fee Support

Northwestern Career Advancement (NCA) provides funding to support the career development needs of undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. Students can apply to receive funding to support graduate/professional school test preparation and application expenses. Students must submit receipts and required essay within 30 days of funding offer and prior to graduating from Northwestern. We are not able to process payments to students after graduation. 

Please Note:  

  • $550 maximum fund
  • Students will receive payment by reimbursement when receipts are submitted (receipts cannot be for purchases made more than 3 months prior to applying); upfront funding is not available. For special circumstances, please contact
  • Receipts for reimbursement must be submitted within one month of funding. Please apply at a time when you will be able to provide receipts according to this timeline.
  • Students must make purchases & submit receipts and essay prior to graduating from Northwestern. We are not able to process payments to students after graduation.

Additional Notes:

  • Applications will be reviewed weekly from early September through late April, pending available funding.
  • Applications will not be reviewed during: Thanksgiving week, Finals Week/Winter Break or Spring Break. Please expect a delay in processing during these times.
  • To maximize your funding, explore any fee assistance or waivers available. For more information, visit this website.
  • Timelines for funding are on the NCA website:
  • The application committee cannot guarantee an expedited process; however, urgent requests should be addressed to

For any questions or concerns, please contact:

Supplemental Questions
  1. Previous Funding:
    Have you previously been awarded funds through the Career Development Fund?
  2. If you selected "Other" above, please provide more details. If you didn't select "Other", write "N/A"
  3. If you have received funds through the Career Development Fund, when did you receive them?
    - If yes, when did you receive them?
    - If no, write "N/A"?
  4. What graduate/law school programs are you considering (e.g.: Master's in Electrical Engineering, PhD in Clinical Psychology, etc.)?
  5. What test do you plan to take for graduate/professional school admittance and when?
  6. Briefly describe your interest in this graduate/professional degree and how it relates to your career goals.
  7. Please use the attached budget form to provide an estimation of how you will allocate funding, if awarded. The budget is considered an estimate and may not reflect the final funding amount. Please use THIS template.
  8. Acknowledgement:
    I have read the Career Development Fund information on NCA's website. I understand that I will receive payment by reimbursement when receipts are submitted; upfront funding is not available. I understand that I must make my purchases, submit my receipts, and essay within one month of attending the required funding meeting to receive payment. I also understand that I cannot receive payment for receipts submitted after I have graduated. For special circumstances, please contact
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