Brady Scholars Travel Reimbursement

Students in the Brady Scholars Program are eligible to apply for limited funding to offset the cost of foreign air travel associated with their junior year study abroad program.

Applications should be submitted after students have applied to the study abroad program of choice.

Kathleen Arbuckle
Associate Director | Brady Program in Ethics and Civic Life

Supplemental Questions
  1. I confirm that I am a member of the Brady Scholars Program.
  2. Campus Mailing Address:
  3. What is the anticipated travel expense budget for your program, including airfare, ground transportation, and other expenses?
  4. Do you have additional financial concerns about studying abroad, e.g. ground transportation, other? Please write "N/A" if you don't have any concerns.
  5. What program will you be enrolled in? Where is it located?
  6. During which term will you be abroad?
  7. Please answer the following questions about your funding sources:
    • 1. What other sources of funding have you applied for, or are planning to apply for?
    • 2. What is the amount of each award?
    • 3. What funds have you already secured and when do you expect to be notified of additional funding? Write "N/A" if you have not secured any other funding.
    • 4. I understand that if I receive additional funding and/or apply for additional grants and scholarships that I have not mentioned I will need to update the Brady Scholars team.
  8. Is there anything else we should know? Please write "N/A" if you don't have anything else to share.
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