NU Day @ Wrigley

Join the Northwestern community for our annual NU Day @ Wrigley. This is an annual program sponsored by Northwestern Alumni Association.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to a limited number of tickets, this application may close unexpectedly and you may be placed on a waitlist.

Using SES One Form: All applicants must complete a General Application before applying for this opportunity. You can access this application platform by clicking the purple sign in button in the top right corner. You will log in with your Northwestern NetID and Password.

TICKET INFORMATION: Tickets will be available through the SES One Form on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students can reserve one ticket (one per student). Note, if you haven’t logged in before, you’ll need to complete a set of general questions before reserving your ticket.

PICK UP INFORMATION: Details will be emailed to you the week of May 6th.

Supplemental Questions
  1. What year are you?
  2. Do you want a NU Day @ Wrigley 2024 ticket?
  3. I understand that by requesting a ticket to NU Day @ Wrigley, I am planning to attend the event and will pickup my ticket (pickup information will be provided the week of May 6th).
  4. I understand there is a limited number of tickets available and I may be placed on a waitlist. I understand that if a ticket becomes available, I will be notified in May.
  5. Have you received a free ticket to NU Day @ Wrigley previously? *Your response does not effect your eligibility*